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Keeping Your Business Winter-Proof

Winter-Proof the workplace

There is no doubt that winter is in full effect. From blizzards to extremely cold days, there is no denying where we live in the good old northeast. It seems that the ultimate goal is to batten down the hatches and keep that warm air inside. But, there are a few other tips to keep this winter a relatively pleasant (and clean) one.

Keep your parking lot snow/ice free

Try to keep your parking lot as free from ice and snow as possible. Nothing helps protect your employees and customers more from slips, accidents and injuries. Either hire a plow service, shovel by hand, salt it down or use a chemical deicer to keep your parking lot clear. Just be careful when you are using a deicer or rock salt, to make sure it won’t do any long term harm to your parking lot or surrounding vegetation. When in doubt, use less.

Protect your floors

Winter weather can be hell on your office floors. Dealing with the mess dragged in from outside can not only result in slushy and dirty floors, but the moisture left behind can be a breeding ground for mold and other bacteria. To best protect your floors you need to establish a first line of defense against the harmful elements. Welcome mats, especially the weatherproof kind, will solve a lot of your problems before they reach the rest of the building.

To maintain the rest of the building, increase the frequency of vacuuming and carpet cleaning until the weather gets warmer. The longer that salt and dirt remain in your carpet fibers, the quicker those fibers begin to breakdown and fray, creating more costly, long-term problems.

Maintain Air Quality

We are so focused with keeping everything comfortable and warm in the winter, that we forget to make sure our air is just as good. According to the EPA, indoor air quality can contain 3-5x more contaminants and pollutants than outdoor air. It’s important to make sure your HVAC ventilation systems are properly cleaned. You should also try using cleaning, maintenance and work supplies that don’t emit vapors or distribute airborne contaminants.

These are a few things to note when dealing with the colder elements of winter time. Please remember to stay warm and stay healthy!

How to clean your smartphone


We’ve covered a lot of areas to clean so far — from your windows to your keyboard. However, we have neglected to point out that you carry around something that has been known to be as dirty as a toilet seat: your smartphone! It has been proven that your phone may carry bacteria, germs, even feces (yeah, you read that right)! Let’s talk about a routine you can take to keep your gadget nice, shiny and clean! Your health will thank you.

Cleaning your smartphone is a lot like cleaning your computer monitor. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or a ton of water. You can definitely find a phone cleaner which will most likely come with a microfiber cloth. But let’s assume you’ve spent enough on this phone already and don’t want to drop the $20 or more on buying a cleaner.

For every other part of the phone besides the touchscreen, put together a 40/60 alcohol-to-water mixture. You can use this to clean solid parts and keyboards. Use a damp cloth and/or cotton swab for small hard-to-reach places. DO NOT use alcohol, ammonia, or any other harsh cleaning agents on your phone’s touch screen. This is another situation where a small amount of vinegar and a microfiber cloth will do better.

If you need to remove dirt and fingerprints in a pinch, use a piece of scotch tape to peel away the grime. This is good if you don’t have access to a microfiber cloth. Unfortunately, microfiber won’t help the germ situation.

If you have the funds and want an absolutely clean phone, check out PhoneSoap Charger, which cleans, sanitizes, and charges your device all at once.

A couple of ways to maintain a clean phone are a bit difficult, because we just don’t think of it. Try not to take your phone with you into the bathroom. We know how tempting it is. Also avoid handling your phone after you’ve just touched money or any other dirty item before washing your hands.

Follow these steps and you and your phone will deflect some of those unsettling germs. I mean, what’s the point of a clean workplace if you’re just going to make it dirty again?

Streak Free Windows


Window cleaning; it’s a job that begs to be hired out. So much work reaching and wiping, and you’ll most likely end up with a bunch of streaks and what looks like even dirtier glass!

Cleaning glass, whether it be a window, mirror, or coffee table, is more about having the right tools for the job than how hard you do it. Here are a couple of ways you can keep those birds outside guessing whether that window is open or closed.

Use Distilled Water

So here’s the thing about cleaning glass: you’re going to see absolutely everything. Most of the time, water doesn’t really matter. But, if you’re diluting your glass cleaner with tap water (especially hard water) you’re going to see some nasty streaks left behind from the minerals. Distilled water should solve that problem.


Vinegar is amazing. It’s one of those all-purpose items that can be used on numerous things around the house or office. Windows are no exception. Combine water and vinegar in a 50/50 solution to create a cheap and effective alternative to glass cleaner. It works great!

Go Easy on the Soap

Most of the time this isn’t a problem, because soap isn’t necessary to clean glass. However, if you’re table is particularly dirty, you’re going to want to add a little to your glass cleaning mix. The key word here is “little.” It isn’t going to take that much soap to get rid of dirt on the table. But, if you use too much, you’ll wind up with an overly dense cleaner that will leave a streaky residue on the glass.

Paper Towels Don’t Work

Paper towels are the worst enemy of glass. Don’t use it! Not only will is streak, but it will leave behind lint! That’s even worse! Use a microfiber cloth or a squeegee and brush. Depending on the job, we use both of these options with great success!

Buff it up!

Even with all of the instructions from before, you’re glass can still streak. Fear not, the simplest solution is to finish the job with a quick buff. Just buff over the glass with a clean/dry cloth, preferably microfiber (again!). Watch those streaks just disappear!

Finally, the most important thing to do is to not let your window get too dirty. A cleaner window means an easier job keeping it that way.

Should we use hand sanitizer?


These days, it seems that hand sanitizer is about as common in an office or household as a pen and paper. Hand sanitizers are a supplement or alternative to hand washing, and are available in gel, foam and liquid solutions.

There has been an ongoing debate regarding whether we should be using these products. The companies that market these “antibacterial” or “antimicrobial” products say they are fine, while consumer advocates argue that they aren’t effective and have the potential to engender bacterial strains that resist antibiotics.

Gordon Trenholme, MD, director of the Section of Infectious Diseases at Rush University Medical Center thinks the best answer is common sense. Trenholme talks about the usefulness of hand sanitizers:

“They’re useful in the hospital, to help prevent the transfer of viruses and bacteria from one patient to another by hospital personnel. But beyond that, it’s very difficult to show that any of them are useful.

Outside of the hospital most people catch respiratory viruses from direct contact with people who already have them, and hand sanitizer won’t do anything in those circumstances. In any case, they certainly haven’t been shown to do anything more than just washing your hands. So while hand sanitizers have their place, washing with soap and water is almost always a better choice.”

Gordon goes on to say that hand sanitizer removes both good and bad bacteria, whereas washing your hands (for at least 20 seconds) with regular soap does a better job of “preserving the flora.”

“Your whole body is covered with bacteria, and if you remove those ‘good’ bacteria, they can be replaced by other, potentially harmful, ones. Natural bacteria are there for a reason.”

Trenholme finishes by saying that the most important way to keep germ free is to keep things clean. This includes tidying up your rooms and offices. Keeping things tidy will prevent the spread of unwanted bacteria much better than dabbing your hands with sanitizer several times over the course of a workday.

Overall, it seems its just better to take time every now and then to wash your hands thoroughly, rather than keeping a bottle of sanitizer around.

What’s so great about microfiber

Microfiber cloth

It seems like everywhere you look these days, the word “microfiber” is used in some way, shape or form regarding cleaning products. What used to be a job mainly for cotton cloths is now being assumed by these microfiber ones. But what is microfiber and why is it something you should have around your desk and office?

Microfiber is a very fine synthetic fiber that is smaller than the diameter of a strand of silk (which is itself about 1/5 the diameter of a human hair). The most common types of microfibers are made from polyester, polyamides (such as nylon, kevlar, nomex), or a combination of polyester, polyamide, and polypropylene. Microfiber is used to make mats, knits, and weaves for apparel, upholstery, industrial filters and cleaning products.

Microfiber’s cleaning ability is the result of two simple things: more surface area and a positive charge. A microfiber cloth has the same surface area as a cotton cloth four times as large and can absorb seven times its weight in water. A recent study of microfiber usage in hospitals showed that a microfiber mop head used with a detergent cleaner removed bacteria as effectively as a cotton mop head used with a disinfectant. Plus, unlike cotton, microfiber dries fast, making it hard for bacteria to grow in it. The positive charge aspect of a microfiber means they attract negatively charged dirt and grease. This means you are able to clean surfaces without chemicals — perfect for an office that has a lot of electronics.

In the end, microfiber cloths re more effective than their cotton cloth counterparts. They clean well, dry well, and last longer. Keep a few around your desk to clean various dirt and dust. As we showed you in a previous article, it is very good at keeping your computer clean.

“Natural” Extract Allergies

Lemon Tree

It’s time to pay closer attention to the cleaning products we use. Reports of skin and allergy sufferers has increased amongst children and teenagers, reports the Center for Disease Control. It has nearly quadrupled in the past 10 years!

Cosmetic and cleaning products contain ingredients known to cause both skin and respiratory allergies. This includes so-called “natural” ingredients. In contrast with the United States, which does not regulate fragrance allergens, the European Commission is taking this problem on. In 1999, The EC published 26 fragrance allergens and required manufacturers to disclose their presence on cosmetic labels. This would allow people with allergies to avoid certain products that might cause a reaction due to certain ingredients.

Since that time, European scientists have been collecting additional information on fragrance allergens. In recent times, they have expanded their list of substances known to cause allergies, adding 28 new chemicals and natural extracts, also known as essential oils. The reports also identified possible allergens, as well as fragrance components for which their was little or no evidence that they caused allergies.

These natural extracts the EC categorized as “established allergens” include: citrus oil extracts such as citrus bergamia and citrus limonum found in dish soaps and all-purpose cleaners, rose flowers oil found in some botanical air fresheners and lavender extract added to detergents and spot removers. These essential oils can trigger an immediate allergic reaction, or can cause someone to develop an allergy over a long period of time.

So it is a fact that “natural fragrances” can cause the same allergic reactions as synthetic ones. Just because it says “natural” does not mean it is safe to use. After all, poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are all “natural” as well.

How to keep your screen clean

Clean laptop screen

In our last article, we took steps to maintaining a cleaner work space. Let’s keep going with that by tackling one of the most important tools you work with on a day to day basis: your computer screen. Your screen will attract exorbitant amounts of dust, food particles, and debris, which will start to look bad after awhile. Just be careful on how you handle the cleaning process or you could severely damage your screen.

First things first: get a microfiber cloth. In addition to being super soft, they are made with a type of fabric that doesn’t produce lint. Paper towels, old t-shirts, and napkins are a no go. They can do more harm than good by scratching your screen or leaving excess debris. Plus, that microfiber cloth will come in handy when you need to clean your camera lens, smartphone, tablet or TV screen.

When cleaning the screen, be gentle. Computer screens, especially LCDs, are very fragile. If you push too hard, you could cause pixel burnout. A couple of sweeps and circle motions, with the help of your microfiber cloth, should take care of the dust and loose particles.

If a cleaning solution is required, do not to grab any regular old household cleaning products; they contain ingredients that could damage your screen. You can use store bought LCD screen cleaning spray or make your own. A 50/50 mix of white vinegar (not any other kind) and distilled water (because it’s chemical free) in an atomizer bottle will do the trick.

When using a solution, remember not to spray it directly on your screen. Apply a minimal amount to the microfiber cloth. Try using a small amount on just one corner of the cloth at a time. You don’t want to get it too wet.

Follow these steps and you’ll maintain a clean and shiny computer screen that will be the envy of all your coworkers.

Don’t eat lunch at your desk

Man eating lunch at his desk

We’ve all had one of those days. Work seems to be piling up and there is no end in sight. No matter how much you get done, more and more appear. But, at the same time, your tummy is a rumbling! What is a person to do?

You may be tempted to bring your lunch to your desk and chomp down while you work. It seems logical that if you don’t break for lunch you’ll get more work done, right? This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Based on a published study by John Trougakos, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and HR Management at the University of Toronto, the absence of a proper lunch break can cause greater fatigue and lower productivity.

Based on his research, your brain can only handle so much before it becomes less effective at everything. It’s important to give yourself a chance to rest and recharge, and that means stepping away from that which is draining you.

The ultimate solution is to take some time for yourself; to change your environment. Go to the park, or even just stare out the window at some trees. Business lunches don’t count because you’re still in work mode, and are probably talking about the same stuff that is making you tired in the first place. You’ll be amazed at your level of restoration just by taking a few minutes to rest and recharge.

This, of course, takes care of the psychological aspects of not eating at your desk. The other thing it consider is the physical environment around you. Several studies have shown that your mouse and keyboard can be dirtier than a toilet seat. Touching dirty surfaces can contribute to the spread of harmful bacteria at the workplace, and also increases your risk of getting ill.

So it seems there are two very good reasons for leaving your desk at lunchtime. You’ll come back and be able contribute more and you won’t have to pick up crumbs out of your keyboard!

The Benefits of Hiring an Office Cleaning Service

As we know, it can be quite a difficult task maintaining a business office, especially if your company does not have a professional office cleaning service of their own. Cleaning the office can be a monotonous activity, especially if you have more important work that is being put off so you can take care of the necessary cleaning. Today’s modern offices need sweeping, mopping, dusting, and sanitizing to avoid a dirty, germ filled work environment. This can be an overwhelming task if it is not clearly defined and addressed.

Man with mopBecause employees will often resent it if they are forced to clean the office along with everyone else, then from a managerial standpoint, this will only lower employee morale and cause unneeded problems and conflict down the line. If you are forcing your employees to address these cleaning issues, then it is not only taking them away from the job that your paying them to do, but oftentimes, the cleaning work done will be substandard at best. For all of these reasons, many business owners decide that it would be best for their company to hire an outside office cleaning company, who are professionals, and can do the job much easier than your employees, while cutting out all the unnecessary conflict associated with office cleaning.

The aim of using a professional office cleaning service is to make sure that your entire business premises, including offices, hallway and common areas, are kept spotless and well organized at all times, bathrooms are both cleaned and properly sanitized. Because commercial cleaning services are a professional operation, they will most likely make use of the newest technologies and tools, to make offices as clean as humanly possible. This not only saves your employees time and effort from doing the job themselves, but the end result will be a much cleaner and healthier office.

Professional office cleaners should take care of all cleaning responsibilities including sweeping, mopping, dusting, waxing, vacuuming, trash collection, polishing, sealing, and cleaning the carpets. Some office cleaning companies may offer special services like green cleaning and interior window cleaning.

An office cleaning company will get your office looking the best it ever has, without all of the fallout of making your employees get their hands dirty. A good commercial cleaning company will follow the appropriate office cleaning standards, while maintaining your facility, and restoring a professional image to your business. Hiring an office cleaning company will not only help your business to maintain the kind of image it’s looking for, it will free you up so that you can concentrate on your business.

How Clean is Your Office?

How clean is your office infographic
There is a definite connection between the cleanliness of an indoor environment, the health of occupants inhabiting the space and the productivity of the workforce therein.

Have you touched an office phone, light switch, keyboard, doorknob or copier today?

Depending on how clean they were, you could become sick in a few days or spread germs and bacteria to your coworkers or bring them home to your family. There really is a direct correlation between a clean work environment and improved employee health. Because of this, defense against the “germ warfare” is extremely important in keeping work environments clean and in helping reduce sick days. Besides a person’s health, the cleanliness of a work environment has a direct effect on employee morale, productivity and attendance.

Healthcare experts say that germs, bacteria and viruses responsible for ailments like the common cold and the flu are more likely to stay active on hard surfaces than on soft surfaces or textiles. The influenza virus lives longer than the rhino virus, and temperature and humidity influence their life cycles.

If odors are present in a work environment or are permeating from a particular surface, it usually indicates the presence of bacteria. The odor is a result of the gasses that bacteria give off as they consume the soils and bio films from unclean surfaces, which act as a food source for pathogens.

Regularly cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces reduces bacteria counts, while thorough and frequent hand washing is regarded by many as the best way to avoid catching someone else’s germs. Consider hiring us to help with regular cleanings and the war against germs.