There is a definite connection between the cleanliness of an indoor environment, the health of occupants inhabiting the space and the productivity of the workforce therein.
Have you touched an office phone, light switch, keyboard, doorknob or copier today?
Depending on how clean they were, you could become sick in a few days or spread germs and bacteria to your coworkers or bring them home to your family. There really is a direct correlation between a clean work environment and improved employee health. Because of this, defense against the “germ warfare” is extremely important in keeping work environments clean and in helping reduce sick days. Besides a person’s health, the cleanliness of a work environment has a direct effect on employee morale, productivity and attendance.
Healthcare experts say that germs, bacteria and viruses responsible for ailments like the common cold and the flu are more likely to stay active on hard surfaces than on soft surfaces or textiles. The influenza virus lives longer than the rhino virus, and temperature and humidity influence their life cycles.
If odors are present in a work environment or are permeating from a particular surface, it usually indicates the presence of bacteria. The odor is a result of the gasses that bacteria give off as they consume the soils and bio films from unclean surfaces, which act as a food source for pathogens.
Regularly cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces reduces bacteria counts, while thorough and frequent hand washing is regarded by many as the best way to avoid catching someone else’s germs. Consider hiring us to help with regular cleanings and the war against germs.