Cleaning Gadgets for the Office
Nobody in an office environment likes to be assigned cleaning chores. That’s why there are cleaning services out there, to take care of the jobs you don’t want to deal with while you are working that 9-5. But for those times when you need a little extra oomph in the cleaning department, here are some fun gadgets that will help keep your office spick and span!
PhoneSoap Charger
Did you know that your phone carries ten times the amount of bacteria as a toilet seat? That’s because you are using it all the time and not thinking about how clean you are when handling it.
The PhoneSoaps solution is to disinfect your phone using UV light. It’s kind of like a tanning bed for your phone, that makes your device and ultimately you, better in the end.
Karcher Power Squeegee
The ultimate window cleaner, the Power Squeegee is a handheld cleaner that vacuums rather than scrubs. It sprays a cleaning solution and then sucks away it and any other grime before there is a chance for anything to streak.
As robotic vacuums go, Roomba gets all the publicity. But imagine you took your Roomba and made it cling to windows! The Winbot is a vertical climbing unit that clings to glass surfaces, crawls around, cleans them for you and then hums a pleasant tune to let you know when it is done. Imagine how great something like this would be on large windows in a warehouse or loft office.
Sound too good to be true. Well, kinda. The Winbot is not cordless, which means a potentially hazardous cord laying around for people to trip on. It is also rather expensive.
Neato Botvac
Back to robotic vacuums. They are pretty fantastic office additions. They’re quick, quiet and don’t require anyone to do manual labor.
Once again, we think of the Roomba when we think of little robotic vacuums. But the Neato has a competitive price and better reviews, so it’s worth checking out.
The Botvac comes with an automated home docking station and boasts a battery life od about an hour. That’s a lot of clean floors.